Indonesian Tourist Visa for Indian citizens living In Malaysia

Citizens of India residing in Malaysia have 2 options to apply for a visa to Indonesia:
  1. Apply for a Indonesia visa for citizens of India through and FedEX the original passport, prepaid self-addressed international return label, and supporting documents, if any, to our office in India.

    Please note that it is not recommended to stay in Malaysia without a passport. Courier services may also refuse to accept passports for international delivery. If you still decide to mail your passport to us for processing please indicate on the label that you are mailing "Personal documents".

    For frequent travelers it is recommended to apply for a second passport which will make it convenient to apply for visas while abroad.
  2. Apply for a visa to Indonesia in person at the nearest consulate of Indonesia in Malaysia. Please note that the application procedures and fees may vary depending on where you apply. If there is no Indonesia consulate in Malaysia there might be a consulate of Indonesia in one of the neighboring countries that covers the jurisdiction of Malaysia.
Currently VisaHQ visa services are for residents of the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
Citizens of India residing in Malaysia must apply for a visa to Indonesia in person at the nearest consulate of Indonesia in Malaysia. Please note, application procedures and fees may vary by location. If there is no consulate of Indonesia in Malaysia there may be a consulate of Indonesia in a neighboring country that covers the jurisdiction of India.

While we cannot process your travel visa request, travelers should take note of the following advice:

  • Check the current validity of your passport

    For international travel, all travelers will need a passport, valid for at least 90 days following your departure date. However, we strongly recommend traveling with six months validity on your passport at all times.

    It is also recommended that your valid passport have at least two un-used pages remaining, for any necessary entry and exit stamps that may be issued. It is also a good idea to review the number of pages and validity remaining your passport well in advance of overseas travel. This will allow for time needed if a replacement passport may be required.

  • Use our Embassy Guide

    Here you can look up embassy and consular contact information. Our comprehensive database of worldwide embassy address and contact details can help you locate the nearest embassy to seek country-specific guidance pertaining to travel regulations.

  • Still in need of more information?

    There is a good chance that you may find the answer within our frequently asked questions pages. This is a useful resource for anyone new to the travel visa or passport applications process.

  • Further useful information

    Review our Travel tips pages and global Customs Regulations sections before traveling. Here you will find sound advice and up-to-date customs information for any destination country.

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